How do i reinstall this,..i dont wanna buy it again
Answer by
Pooja Bajaj
To reinstall vorpX on Windows, you do not need to buy it again. If you have previously purchased it, you should be able to download the installer from the official vorpX website or contact their support for assistance with reinstalling the program.
Hello i have a VR Headset and also TrackIR. I would like to know if i can use this software also for non TrackIr games with TrackIR. For now im using a Python script in addition with a virtualjostick to use in some games(NASCAR), like the right or left stick on xboxcontroller. Would make a lot easier if i could use this programm without a timestealing workaround.
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Answer by
Saumya Sharma
Yes, you can use the vorpX software with non TrackIR games using a Python script and virtual joystick workaround.
How do i reinstall this,..i dont wanna buy it again
To reinstall vorpX on Windows, you do not need to buy it again. If you have previously purchased it, you should be able to download the installer from the official vorpX website or contact their support for assistance with reinstalling the program.
Hello i have a VR Headset and also TrackIR.
I would like to know if i can use this software also for non TrackIr games with TrackIR. For now im using a Python script in addition with a virtualjostick to use in some games(NASCAR), like the right or left stick on xboxcontroller.
Would make a lot easier if i could use this programm without a timestealing workaround.
Yes, you can use the vorpX software with non TrackIR games using a Python script and virtual joystick workaround.